If you feel that your organization is currently in need of a leadership boost, then we can provide specific and detailed measures to allow continuous growth in your leadership team and emphasize the need to rejuvenate your team members. An "Organizational Tune-Up" is performed to reenergize your current leadership team and team members. We can create unique assessments and show you how this information can be utilized to acknowledge the contributions of your team members going forward.
As you know, the most important resource in any organization is its team members. No matter what leadership is in place, the success of any organization is dependent on the productivity and growth of the team it assembles."The Leadership Peer Review" is an opportunity to evaluate your team for positions of increasing responsibility. This will allow your leadership team to grow your future leadership from within the organization and more importanly, increase morale and promote the most talented and productive team members.
Innovation isn't just imporant with relation to the production of product or technology, it's vital to the leadership you provide to your team members. Innovative leadership is crucial to how your organization's mission and vision are received and implemented. Along with our "Organizational Tune-Up", this product will assist you with sustainabliity and continuous evaluation of the leadership capabilities of your organization.
Aspiring leaders are challenged with a one-year, self-paced training program intended to prepare potential leaders for increased responsibility. The "Aspiring Leaders Mentorship Program" contains four key training categories: core training, developmental training, formal feedback, and job specific training delivered through a combination of the following: on-the-job training, formal classroom instruction, correspondence courses, distance learning, and online courses. The mentorship program is intended to provide knowledge, skills, and experiences the team member can readily apply to future leadership challenges and professional pursuit. The program provides a positive, forward-thinking and supportive environment conducive to developing team members into more self-confident, fulfilled, motivated and well-rounded team member. Each candidate should be paired with a current team member in a leadership position for ultimate success.
Call Today: 804.687.6773
CTS Enterprises, LLC is a firm believer of multiple forms of leadership. One very important aspect of how we operate is under the Transformational theory of leadership,which leaders work with teams to identify needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration and innovation, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of a team. We're proud to offer the following services.
Invest in your organization by performing a free assessment of how we can build upon the organizational leadership in place and fortify its structure for the future.